Great alternative to DocSend

Affordable Lead Generation Document Sharing and Engagement Tracking

Store and share your documents securely, generate leads, generate leads and track engagement with ease. Control access in realtime and always deliver the latest version of your documents without ever sending another message.

Stike app

Secure Document Sharing

Store and share your documents on cloud securely. Control access in realtime

Easy to adopt
Just upload files files and get started in minutes. no need to install any software or plugins
Service that just works, no downtimes, no data loss. We take care of everything
All your documents are encrypted and stored securly on cloud. Only you and the people you share with can access the documents

No more sending email attachments

Never send another email attachement without any control. Share documents with a link and control access and actionable insights in realtime

Just upload a document and share a link, no complex setup or installation process
Get notified when someone views your document, how long they viewed and what they viewed
Realtime Insights and Controls
Control access to your documents in realtime, revoke access and track engagement

Update attachments without sending another email

With Stike, you can update your documents without sending another email. Just upload the latest version and the link will always deliver the latest version

No Learning Curve
Just upload the latest version of your document and the link will always deliver the latest version
Customer Experiance
Deliver exceptional customer experiance by always delivering the latest version of your documents
Instant Updates and Controls
When you update a document, it is instantly available to the people you shared with. You can also choose to deliver it only to the new viewers

Why Choose Stike?

Stike gives you the power to share your documents securely, generate leads and track engagement with ease. All this without breaking the bank or compromising on security

Easy to use

Just upload your documents and start using it. No need to install any software or plugins

Lead Magnet

Use Stike to generate leads and track engagement. Provide access to documents by collecting emails


All your documents are encrypted and stored securly on cloud. Only you and the people you share with can access the documents

Always Latest Version

When you update a document, the link will always deliver the latest version. No need to send another email

Realtime Insights and Controls

Track engagement, control access and get notified when someone views your documents. everything in realtime

Branding & Customization

Customize the look and feel of your document sharing page. Add your logo, colors and use your own domain


Stike is affordable compared to other alternatives. No need to break the bank to share your documents securely

Fast & Reliable

Stike is fast and reliable. No downtimes, no data loss. We take care of everything so you can focus on your business

Beyond Document Sharing

Not just documents, you can share any website or even a video to get realtime insights and keep it update without sending another email